Second Party Opinion s ratings This product is not a credit rating Ju ly 7 , 2023 5 Mapping To The U .N. 's Sustainable Development Goals The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) , which the U.N. set up in 2015 , form an agenda for achieving sustainable development by 2030. We use the International Capital Market Association 's (ICMA) SDG mapping for this part of the report. We acknowledge that ICMA ’s mapping does not provide an exh austive list of SDGs a nd that ICMA recommends that each project category be reviewed individually to map it to the relevant SDG. KHNP ’s Green Bond Framework intends to contribute to the following SDGs: Use of proceeds SDGs Renewable Energy 7. Affordable and clean energy * 13. Climate action *The eligible project categories link to these SDGs in the ICMA mapping.
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd.'s Green Bond Framework Page 4 Page 6